Room to Grow is a Magical place for children, families and the community.

Connection with Nature
Helping children connect with the natural world around them is important. From our Redwood forest, to the natural creek and digging area, to the garden and the chicken coop children work and play in a natural environment every day.
Regular field trips around the Bay Area and Outdoor School Weeks @ Sycamore Grove Park and other natural areas reinforce the connection with the natural world.

Family participation
Room to Grow is a diverse community of children, families, and staff. Parents participate regularly in the classroom sharing their ideas, knowledge and skills to advance the children's understandings. As a community we meet to enjoy each other's company and to celebrate the children's many wonderful accomplishments. Our school year is punctuated with family events; an ice cream social in the fall, soup supper in the winter and a 'fancy dinner' to finish the year.
Play, play, and more play
Play is the heart of learning at Room to Grow. Through their play children build strong social skills, gain control over their bodies, learn to express their thoughts and make remarkable discoveries every day.
Real Tools for Real Work
Children at Room to Grow have many opportunities to use real tools to accomplish real work. Children work in the garden, cook in the kitchen, and build in the workshop. They sew, paint, construct and sculpt. Learning to use a variety of tools competently enables children to express themselves in a variety of ways, and builds their developing sense of competence.

Opportunities for learning
Children aren't the only ones learning at Room to Grow. Room to Grow is a mentor site for Early Childhood Education students and other ECE professionals who visit to gain ideas and inspiration as well as to complete observations and the practicum portions of their college classes. Parents, through their participation both in the classroom and in focused workshops and daily discussion learn about child development and early learning.