Due to COVID-19, Room To Grow has modified it’s enrollment structure for the 2020-2021 School year. Please contact us for more information.
Enrollment @ Room to Grow is open to children between the ages of 3 and 6 years of age. Children must be 3 years old by September 1 of the year of their initial enrollment.
Visit Room to Grow: Interested families are invited to visit Room to Grow. Visitors are welcome by appointment after school hours to tour the classrooms and speak with teachers. Please call or email ahead to arrange visiting opportunities.
Enrollment Options: classes meet Tuesday - Friday from 8:30-12:00. Families may choose a 2 or 4 day enrollment option. Please note at this time we are not offering the parent-participation enrollment option. All classes are mixed ages 3-6 years.
Enrollment Procedure:
Priority enrollment begins on January 1 for classes beginning the following September. Enrollment during the priority period is open to:
Currently enrolled children who will be returning for another year
Siblings of currently enrolled children
Siblings from families of previously enrolled children (legacy families)
Children from the previous years’ wait list who have not yet been placed in the program.
Children whose parents will participate in the classroom.
Children of those families in the St. Bartholomew’s community
Children will be enrolled, to the extent possible, in the class of their preference in the order in which applications are received during the priority enrollment period. Room to Grow reserves the right to assign children to a class in order to maintain optimum class size and balance. Once all enrollment spaces have been filled applicants names will be added to the wait pool.
Community enrollment begins on February 1 for classes beginning the following September. Children will be offered enrollment in the classes where openings remain after the priority enrollment period in the order in which applications are received.
Applications for enrollment into Room to Grow are accepted year-round and a wait pool is maintained. Openings, when they occur, are filled on a first-come, first-served basis from the wait pool.